More on Decanal Virtues

This blog was originally published on Dec. 16, 2007 by Professor Russell L. Weaver.

As I mentioned previously, the purpose of this blog is to write about issues related to deans and deaning, and I generally try to avoid writing about individual deans. However, in some instances, individuals are particularly worthy of mention. In a prior posting, I mentioned former Dean Thomas Galligan of the University of Tennessee.

Another extraordinary dean was Tom Read who may hold the modern record for deanships (five). Tom deaned at a large public law school (the University of Florida), as well as at an array of other types of institutions (Chicago Kent, Richmond, S. Texas).

Tom, who I had the great pleasure to serve under for one year on a visiting basis, used to say that a dean who took two deanships could be referred to as a “recidivist.” Tom referred to himself as a “serial dean.”

Tom was absolutely extraordinary for a number of reasons. First, Tom was able to inculcate in his faculty a “rising tide raises all boasts” philosophy. As a result, rather than competing against each other, the faculty seemed to be working together towards a common objective. In a profession like law teaching, where individuals function in some respects so individualistically, this was an extraordinary achievement. In addition, by his enthusiasm and support, Tom enabled and encouraged faculty to perform to the best of their abilities.

During my visit, I came to understand the regard with which Tom was held, not only by his own faculty, but also the greater law school community. Tom, who attended SEALS (Southeastern Association of Law Schools meetings) as dean at Florida and Richmond, inquired whether South Texas College of Law might be able to join SEALS. My suggestion that Houston and Texas might be more Southwestern looking than Southeastern looking was met with his argument that Houston is only 90 miles from Louisiana. The long and short of it is that I presented Tom’s request to SEALS’ membership. Although a number of Steering Committee members had doubts about whether Houston could legitimately be defined as “Southeastern,” a large majority were willing to admit STCL and the other Houston schools based on the high esteem in which they held Tom.

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